How to Play

When most of us think of poker, we think of the wild west, booze, and gun fights. Poker was a popular pastime in those days, but poker has experienced an explosion of popularity in recent days as well. You can now find televised poker tournaments regularly. Online poker establishments have also increased. And a renewed interest at home has arisen. There is a lot to the game of poker. People who have played the game a long time can attest to that. But at the foundation of the game are the hands it comprises. Let's take a look at the best hands in poker. We'll start with the best and work our way down.
Royal Flush
They don't call it royal for nothing. This is simply a straight, or 5 sequential cards, of the same suit, with aces high. For example, all your cards are hearts and contain ace, king, queen, jack, ten.
Straight Flush
A straight flush is similar in that it is a straight run in the same suit. But it can be anywhere else in the value spectrum. An example would be 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 of spades.
Four of a Kind
A four of a kind occurs when the holder has the same rank of card in all suits, plus one card that is not related.
Full House
This hand is a little easier to attain. This hand is comprised of three cards of one rank and a pair of another rank. An example would be 3 sixes and 2 tens.
You have a flush when you are holding five cards of the same suit.
A Straight
A straight occurs when you have five sequential cards of any rank.
Three of a Kind
A three of a kind is comprised of three cards of the same rank. The other cards can be unrelated.
Two Pairs
Two pairs is when the holder has two pairs of the same rank.
One Pair
Only one pair of the same rank with three unrelated comprise this hand.
These are the high hands in poker. The rest are junk and unrelated hands. Once you know the hands, it's time to gather your game play strategy. But that's a whole other article.
Royal Flush
They don't call it royal for nothing. This is simply a straight, or 5 sequential cards, of the same suit, with aces high. For example, all your cards are hearts and contain ace, king, queen, jack, ten.
Straight Flush
A straight flush is similar in that it is a straight run in the same suit. But it can be anywhere else in the value spectrum. An example would be 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 of spades.
Four of a Kind
A four of a kind occurs when the holder has the same rank of card in all suits, plus one card that is not related.
Full House
This hand is a little easier to attain. This hand is comprised of three cards of one rank and a pair of another rank. An example would be 3 sixes and 2 tens.
You have a flush when you are holding five cards of the same suit.
A Straight
A straight occurs when you have five sequential cards of any rank.
Three of a Kind
A three of a kind is comprised of three cards of the same rank. The other cards can be unrelated.
Two Pairs
Two pairs is when the holder has two pairs of the same rank.
One Pair
Only one pair of the same rank with three unrelated comprise this hand.
These are the high hands in poker. The rest are junk and unrelated hands. Once you know the hands, it's time to gather your game play strategy. But that's a whole other article.